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Laundry soap 72% in packing 100 g

Natural laundry soap 72% production of  ERA

72%  100 g

The laundry soap is a natural product, it is absolutely harmless for health, has antibacterial properties, and it doesn’t dry skin on hands. It is well put on clothes and is economical in use. It can be applied for washing tableware and for other sanitary-hygienic purposes. It has a specific soap smell; fragrances can be added to the laundry soap on the customer’s request (aroma of needles, lemon, etc.)

According to GOST 30266-95, laundry soap 72% is soap grade which contains 72% of fatty acids.It is the first class soap by the criterion of fat content. The more is the content of fatty acids in soap the better it will cope with dirt and germs.Soap contains a large amount of alkali: 0,15-0,20 %. Hydrogen indicator — pH 11-12.

Doesn’t contain chemical additives. This type of soap is suitable for manual washing of clothes, it is a good cleaner, spotremover, and it deletes strong smells from clothes.

SKU: LAUND150LT. Categories: , .

Product Description

The indicators according to ГОСТ 4544:2006

Qualitative number (weight of the fatty acids in terms of the nominal mass of 100 g piece) – 72 g

Mass fraction of free caustic alkali to the nominal weight of the piece – no more than 0.15%, alkaline balance ph11-12

Mass fraction of free soda carbonate to the nominal weight of the piece – no more than 1.0%

Temperature of hardening fatty acid selected from soap (titer), 36-42 ° C

  • Used for hand-washing of articles from different types of tissue and other hygienic purposes.
  • Due to the presence of alkali it forms a good lather – well washes contamination, after washing, soap’s smell disappears. Do not dries the skin.
  • Manufactured from high-quality raw materials. Contains natural fat-containing plant or animal origin substances, glycerin, and no preservatives.
  • Laundry soap does not possess to general toxic, irritating, skin-resorptive and allergenic actions.
  • Laundry soap is non-flammable, non-toxic and explosion-proof.


Laundry soap 72% in packing 100 g was last modified: April 22nd, 2017 by Анна - ЭРА

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